Since You’ve Been Gone….

Hello lovelies!
I thoroughly apologize for leaving you guys so suddenly and silently.  Last December, I decided to quit my jobs, sell my stuff, and pack my bags to travel the world.  My first stop was Bali, where I spent an amazing two months.  After that, I traveled to Bangkok and Chiang Mai in Thailand.  From there, I went down to Sydney, Australia where I stayed until mid-July.  Now, I’m back in Bali once again and loving life.

I’ll be posting more periodically whenever I have free time, and will add in lots of travel-related posts moving forward.  I’ve missed you all!


xoxo, Sophie

P.S. It’s worth noting that I’ve somehow managed to survive on one, just one, carry-on size backpack…  I’ll share my advice on how my fashionistas can manage it too in a future post.  Stay tuned!


This very unfortunately is not me sitting on the side of a plane wing…

Penny For Your Thoughts?